PG 18

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2016 Recap

I felt like I needed this. This long transcription of my thoughts.

Stepping out of student life, leaving behind the title that grant you mercy at faulty times, and into the world of total independence(well, not if I’m posted to Penang) is a huge transition. The gap in between is a transition period. As much as how I would like to think that I am eventually coming out of this phase, I feel the urge to properly recap 2016. There was so much going on and so little that I scribbled.

I stopped uploading photos and sharing my life events frequently about four years ago. I don’t feel the need to publicize everything. I don’t feel the need to share the joy. I cherish the moments and my friends know I do. I feel like the acknowledgement among ourselves suffice. Okay, maybe I’m just lazy to upload photos and write significant captions sometimes…...okay, most of the time. Well, the downside is I keep all these memories with my own effort instead of letting internet do the job. Disc space, virus protection, file locations etc… I have to make sure I don’t lose them.

Pacing in the light of 2017, I feel like I need to let the events in 2016 sink and count the blessings within. So here I’m going to try my best to recall as much as I can. I’m posting this because I want Facebook to remind me one day on how much tougher I’ve grown in the year 2016.

Jan ‘16
- It’s my final year of Degree. Not much emotion actually.
- Just another new year, another new semester. Everything was so...normal.


Feb ‘16
- Queensbay’s CNY decor was a blast!
- A lot of meet-ups and reignited familiarity.
- Papa-chan wrote me in his blog and a gush of warmth wrapped my heart.
- It’s the beginning of my 3-month long practicum. The admins and colleagues were welcoming and kind.


Mar ‘16
- First Hung wedding!
- I broke down in school. There was too much weight I put on myself. I wasn’t finding trouble. They bothered me because I valued them. Well, I toughened up. I have more experience to share and inspire now.
- There’s a status I posted on Facebook that I would like to share here as well :

It's my second time wearing punjabi suit to this school that I'm teaching in now. I still had pupils finding it amusing and their interest piqued. A group of my Moral pupils came surrounding me and asked, "Teacher, why are you wearing Indian people's clothes?" I wouldn't say I did not expect this type of question but to intrigue them enough to brave up and ask me(I'm very fierce one ok), they must have failed to come up with a satisfying reason themselves.
I can't help but to wonder, why didn't anyone ask me such question when I wore baju kurung? Why didn't anyone ask me "Teacher, why are you wearing Western people's clothes" when I went OL style? Children perceive normal and reasonable as something they encounter always. Rare sights will be deemed weird and questionable even if they root from the same perspective.
My mom was pleased when she learnt that an Indian teacher in the school gave me two sets of punjabi suit and a set of lengha. "It's unity and acceptance in action", she said. Being the first Chinese teacher they have, I would say I was glad I exposed them to the true beauty of embracing the Malaysian culture.(And I explained to about four classes that it was punjabi suit and not saree. Young generations need more exposure to their own country's cultures.)


Apr ‘16
- The heat of DOTS was insane.
- I was offered the title “Guru Cemerlang” but I rejected. Recognition from people I look up to and satisfaction from myself were enough. I won the fight.
- Quote of the month : Knowing Why is not enough, you’ve gotta know How to deal with Why.


May ‘16
- Took up sensei’s challenge and participated in the 32nd National Japanese Speech Contest. Was too bogged down with responsibilities in campus and was too confident in myself as well. Thought since I had conquered reciting Japanese poem in a huge event, memorizing a speech wouldn’t be too hard for me. Quivered lips and icy hands turned into a huge disappointment in sensei’s face. I cried like a baby in the phone for the first time after 4 years. I wrote an article about it and got it published in IPBA magazine.
- It’s the end of my 3-month long practicum. I wrote this :


Jun ‘16
- Christina Grimmie died. I had always loved her bright personality.
- Some heart-to-heart talk with secondary school friends that resulted from years of growth. We sighed at how time flies.
- A short and sweet mini family trip that put a genuine smile on our faces.
- Scrolled through Facebook posts and realized I did a lot of thinking and wrote quite a few so-called ‘deep thots’. I kinda miss that. Sharing my share-able thoughts.


Jul ‘16
- The starting of Pokemon craze!
- Discovered my ‘other half’ in Hong Kong. Dang, dem feels~
- The first wave of hurricane.
- Getting addicted to Huffington, Thought Catalogue and other similiar read.


Aug ‘16
- Immersion.
- Postponing the idea of taking JLPT, again. Tsk tsk, procrastination.


Sep ‘16
- Of blizzard and warm packs.
- Getting bogged down by assignments, thesis and presentations.
- Attended an international conference(TEFLIN) and presented a teaching aid project with friends in Indonesia. Great honour and learning experience indeed.
- Conquered Mt Bromo and all but had food poisoning for ten days.
- Bonds.


Oct ‘16
- A leap of faith.
- Nailed my viva.
- Appointed to be the emcee for one of the sessions and got selected to be standby presenter in a conference meant for lecturers and professors. Quite a regret that I wasn’t needed in the end.
- Represented my campus to share my research in IPIK and broke their wireless pointer. *awkward laughter*
- Farewells.


Nov ‘16
- Exam month.
- Surprise!
- Took part in an international conference/competition(MELTA). Was way too carried away by joy and jumbled up all my explanation. Haha. I still had fun!
- Indulgence.


Dec ‘16
- Dusting Realistic Terebinthia.
- Of priorities and insecurities, of doubts and reassurance.
- A short getaway to Kob khun kha-s.
- Counting down new year with headache, stomachache, vomit, dizziness, fever and love.

It’s a year of love, for love. Well, which year isn’t?

1 comment:

Lonely Snowman